When To Praise. It seems odd that we often wait until someone has died to adequately praise them or to ...
When To Praise. It seems odd that we often wait until someone has died to adequately praise them or to ...
The Need For Inspiration. Bloggers tend to write fluff pieces during this time of the year. I confess I thought ...
In this blog, the term "healthcare" company includes all companies providing some form of healthcare protection or service. Senator Warren ...
Well, the presidential election in the United States is almost here. Thank goodness. If I get one more political text, ...
President Kennedy. John F. Kennedy was the first president to conduct live televised press conferences. During the course of his ...
"Man dep swa he byp ponne he mot swa he wile." “Man acts as he is when he may do ...
Current student unrest. When the student unrest and violence began earlier this year, my experience as a college president made ...
The right question. In a world where so many people think that all news is fake, the significance of asking ...
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